Friday, September 24, 2010

There's a Good Time Comin' and I'm Gonna Bring It

It has been a very long time since my last post, and I am sorry, dear three or four readers. As my good buddy Andrew Jolly said, I had a lot of homework, all of which I have since completed. Boo-yah! Andrew, thank you for your services; I give both of your posts an A+

Sometimes life is a real stooge. I don't like certain things about it, such as the fact that it is not perfect and neither are the people who participate in it. It's really painful to see someone you love struggling with a problem, such as a disease or their own personal demons and there's not a thing in the world you can do to help them through it except just continue to care about them and pray for them, which in and of itself can feel like you're doing nothing. I struggle with things myself sometimes, but honestly I usually don't like it when people feel bad for me or try to help me because I like to handle problems on my own. Sometimes, however, just talking to someone makes me feel better.

Also, it's interesting to think about how God must feel about things like that. He cares about the things and people we care about so much more than we can care ourselves, I can't imagine the hurt that He feels when someone is afflicted. I sometimes get the feeling like I start to care about people more than they care about me and that's not a nice feeling, but I wonder just how often people are that way to God. He never stops caring and he never gives up on people, even though we neglect Him all the time.

This last week (or however long it's been since my last post) has been rough, but also fun and it's been such a relief to say "So long, ya' stupid week." I haven't gone to bed before 3:00 at all this week except for yesterday, I think. It's my fault anyway, so don't take that last statement as a complaint. Anyway, as I said, life is sometimes a real stooge.

Tonight was a pretty good night though; at least as good as it could have been, I suppose. I had fun when my Big O Daddy friend Brandon decided that we should go recycling. He is a good little Planeteer, that Brandon, and Captain Planet would be proud of him. As of late, Brandon and I have been trying out a new way to recycle. There's a little machine in front of Reasor's that will give you points for recycling that you can redeem online to get a little coupon or something. It's actually largely a waste of time, but as far as recycling goes, I suppose it's slightly less a waste of time than usual. Turns out, when we (Brandon, Brooke, and I that is) went on our recycling run,  it decided to rain on us and the machine decided not to work, so we stood out in the rain for several minutes getting soaked for no reason. As Brandon pointed out, how ironic is it that Mother Nature herself was what was hindering us from trying to preserve her? See if I ever try to help her out again...

Anyway, I tried to make this post as relevant to what was going in my head as I could, so that will explain why it was all over the place and didn't seem to follow any real train of thought. Anyway, as you can see by the fact that I am now blogging again, all I have to say is "Daddy's home."

Plus here's a treat for you all to hopefully brighten your day:

P.S. I hope you are all prepared to wail.


  1. Tommy, I loved this blog entry, as I have all of your others. I'm glad you're doing better, and that terrible week is behind you. Instead of actually trying to recycle and save the planet, we should compromise and instead watch TV shows about people trying to recycle and save the planet. And by that I mean Running Wilde!!

  2. Let's deal with it then, nice video, sir. Plus also, Ray Charles is Billy Joel's idol and they did a duet together (Baby Grand). I know you already knew that, but I'd just wanted you to hear it again. Another thing, there are like 19 people following your lovely blog, not 3 or 4.

  3. I have to say that has to be one of the best moments that ever went down on the street!
