Monday, February 14, 2011

What Has February 14th Ever Done to Anybody to Deserve This?

What?! I ask you! What?!

Ahem. Aaanyway, today, as many of you are painfully (or pleasantly--depending on your relationship status/intelligence level) aware, is Valentine's Day. "What time is it? Valentimes! What time is it? Valentimes!" Ok, moving right along, I think that Valentine's Day is great!* It is one of the only holidays we have that has not been commercialized or capitalized upon to make profit. In fact, Valentine's Day is the one day of the year where we can just put our gender-related differences aside and just sit down and love each other.** No pressure; no expectations; no strings attached.††

Another boring romantic; that's me. I love Valentine's Day. And, because I love it so much, I would just like to share with you, dear readers, a music video that is very special to me. As an introduction to the video, I would like to say that you should watch other Brandi Carlile music videos and not judge them all by this one's quality. The other ones have more money spent on them; however, this one is a raw interpretation of what love between man and woman and the uncertainty sometimes contained within truly is. Is it a lesser video, or is it better than the others? I dunno. Anyway, enjoy:

Btw, I just watched this again. I love her so much. (She is the one playing the guitar; not that plain woman in the white dress.)

Oh hey, guess what. I lied! Love Valentine's Day? I HATE it! And so, as a consequence, I started my own holiday several years ago, "Singles' Awareness Day" a.k.a. "S.A.D." Here is another video to show how I really feel about February 14th.

J. Geils Band. Yeh, yeh. I think my favorite part is the weird orangutan (?) in the pajamas. No reason why. It just is. 

Anyway, there are many things I could say about today, or about love, a rather popular topic today, but I will limit myself. I will tell you all how I celebrated my independence today, however, if you think your tender hearts can bear it. My friend Caleb (whom you may remember is for the birds, but that is beside the point) and I went out to McDonald's to eat together by our lonesome pitiful selves. That sounds like a slightly contradictory sentence, but it is not. And, in keeping with today, we were both fully aware of our singleness. 

I would like to finish this blog by letting loose with a very long string of curse/profane words and gestures, but, in keeping with my PG rating, I will finish it by saying "Love, you are a fickle maiden, and I will punch you if you come near me." That is all. I guess.

*Valentine's Day is great if you are a dumb-as-a-rock, stupid, ignorant, ugly, fat dirt-bag. Who has a special someone who loves you. Someone who loves you so much that that they themselves don't understand it, yet spend countless hours trying to make YOU understand how much. Like how much I love Brandi Carlile. We may not have ever even been together, but this is true love; you think this happens every day?

†It has, actually.

**That may be true.

††There are all of those things.