Thursday, December 16, 2010

Put Love First and Make It Last

Haha just kidding. Love is stupid.

Anyway, I was just sitting around Bob's house waiting on him to finish taking a shower so we could go to Beau's house for men's Bible study and I thought that I would do well to write a blog. So now I am writing a cute little post.

Everybody on The Facebook seems pretty concerned about their grades, so I just thought maybe you would care to know about mine. You know, speaking of almost everybody I know, almost everybody I know is super concerned about grades, which isn't surprising because almost everybody I know is either in the Honors Program at RSU or is some kind of genius who goes to TU for smart-related stuff. I, personally, never worry about grades because, like almost everybody I know, I tend to make fairly decent ones. I did manage to get two B's in courses in which I thought I would get A's, but, as I was saying, I don't ever worry because (remember my life's creed?) things work out for me. So now you all know that I made GPA.

I half wondered if I should make this part about my grades public knowledge, but then I remembered that I should. That 20-page paper that was wearing me down got finished a full three hours before it was due, whereupon I turned it in and--wouldn't you know it?--I got an A in the class. Aw yiss. Things work out for me. Even if I procrastinate until the day before something so monumental is due to work on it.

So anyways, you wanna know what was awesome? (And you know I don't just throw that word around) The 19 stinkin' 80's. I <3 them very much. I also like the early 1990's, which are pretty similar. You get into stuff like the Ninja Turtles and The Fresh Prince around this time. The 80's were a magical time filled with many wondrous and magical things that could only have been conceived in that time. Technology was on the way up and so was creativity; BAM! you get Back to the Future. I could spend many years and devote an entire new blog to the 80's, or even just the music or movies, or the best combination of the two man has ever seen: 80's music videos, but I won't. Although it WOULD probably be a masterpiece of Bloggery... Anyway, I will just discuss a very limited number of things that I do love about the 80's that comes to the top of my head.

Yeah, that's right; Uncle Jesse.

Mullets. Men--and women, for that matter--could roam freely about, proudly sporting huge beautiful mullets without any fear of condemnation; women could expect sincere compliments and men could anticipate women lining up around the block just to touch them. (The mullets, I mean...)

By the way, he looked so much better with that beast growin' out of his head than he does now with his average sexy-man haircut...

They could mess you up so bad.
That is the Ninja way.

NINJAS. I love them! I love all the Ninja children in the whole world! In case you did not know, these are the 3 Ninjas, from the hit 1992 movie, 3 Ninjas. This is one of the most beautiful inspiring movies of all time. (From left to right, Colt, Tum-Tum, and Rocky) I say, watch it.

The 80's... Sigh...

Speaking of awesome children... This fine gentleman needs no introduction, but just so you know, his name is Doogie Howser, M.D. Portrayed, of course, by the ever-incredible Neil Patrick Harris. If the 3 Ninjas don't completely kill you, he could fix you. Men want to be him, and women just want him. He has got it going on.

80's Women.
The Bangles

Now, truthfully, do I need to say more? I did leave out Pat Benatar, Stevie Nicks, Nancy and Amy Wilson, Bonnie Tyler, Blondie, and The Go-Go's, but you get the idea. 

As I try to think of more and more awesome things about the 80's that I love, I am beginning to realize that the list may actually be endless. I cannot even begin to say how highly I regard the music videos. Some say that they destroyed real music, but I say it was worth it. I also say that it isn't true. After all, we've still got GREAT musical treasures like Billy Joel running around. 

I want you all to realize that there are sooooo sooooo many more great things that I have not mentioned, but I will leave you with this one that I refuse to leave out:
The greatest 40th President EVER. Possibly the greatest President since Washington. 
As you can see, love is what makes the world go 'round. I think that was where I was headed with this post anyway. I dunno. Sometimes my head thinks of random weird things, and sometimes it seems like I have had a stroke... Of brilliance! Or I am at least reminded of something, or someone brilliant, such as Ronald Wilson Reagan. The real focus of this post, I should say, was how important, and legendary, the 80's were. In America, at least. And after all, isn't America all that matters? I'll tell you; it is. I love America, and I love the 80's. Man, I am all over the place... I know that according to the blog site, this was published sometime after 2:00, but all of these posts are actually published two hours after it says that they were. Just so you know. That is a large contribution to the fact that they make very little sense and are riddled with mistakes, grammatical and otherwise. Now you know, and now you have read probably my longest post. That is, if you don't include Andrew Jolly's posts. They were kinda long. Plus also, I started this while Bob was in the shower and got about to where I started talkin' about the 80's before we had to leave.  I decided to finish it sometime around 3:30 and have since then been piddling around writing on it. Now it is time to post it and stop typing everything that come to my head.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

So I Figured out What to Do with My Life

No, no I haven't. I was kinda hoping that something would just come to me and I would write it. Then, of course, live my life accordingly. But, I guess that isn't gonna happen; instead I will just write another blog. And, boy, do I have a treat for you all today! No, no I don't...

All my finals are finished. And that's the end of that chapter. However (there's that intelligent-sounding conjunctive adverb again), I do still have that paper to finish. Also, I would like to start beginning every sentence with a conjunction, except "also" is an adverb. Whether grammatically appropriate. Or not. And sentence fragments. Very. Very, indeed. Indubitably, to be sure.

So, I'm pretty sure "The Beast" lives in my apartment... All you Seinfeld fans out there know what I'm talking about. Yeah, it stinks pretty good in here. Every time I open the door or walk in the kitchen, it attacks. Like a punch in the face... Also, on a related or unrelated note (make a guess), I got a new roommate to replace Zach. I just can't wait for Jacob to get outta here so I can get me another one!
When somebody has B.O., the O. usually stays with the B....
If it is in fact B.O. that I smell. I thought it was the food that somebody cooked earlier, but it won't go away, and kinda smells like a bunch of wet dogs rolled around with a bunch of other wet dogs and then came into my kitchen to hang out and pee on stuff. I am currently baking cookies to try and ward off the evil smells, but I am doubtful I can rid my apartment of this beast so easily. I have already tried Febreeze, cologne, taken out the trash, and I have had the door open for almost two hours, all with no results. I  also cannot find the source of this smell; I have taken out the trash (which didn't stink), checked the oven, the sink, the fridge, all of my cabinets, and I cannot find it. It's as if the very air has become tainted (or possessed), yet will not leave my apartment when the door is opened for two hours. If cookies can't get rid of it, I may just build a bonfire in my kitchen; a bonfire of old tires, hair, cigarettes, and diesel. Any smell would be better, and at the very least, I would understand what it is I would be smelling.

So right now anyway, the only thing I can figure out what to do with my life is to battle this demon-based smell that came out of hell. (That sounds like a totally kick-awesome title for a Dr. Seuss book, by the way. I should probably write kids books, actually; kids are stupid and could therefore relate to my literature. E.g. Poop, dirt, Wales, and Andrew's mustache.)

The cookies worked, by the way...

Ah, Intellect: A Thing to Be Desired?


Welp, the collective intelligence of my audience just increased perhaps a million-fold (Dr. Ford's fault). I guess this means I can't write any blogs about poop. Or dirt. Or Wales. And I CERTAINLY cannot let Andrew guest blog for me anymore. That would just be embarrassing. Nope; only intellectual topics henceforth. And usage of words like "henceforth." Or cool transitional words such as "therefore," "however," "moreover," "inasmuch as," aaand so forth. So... that was pretty much the fullness of my higher-range vocabulary in practice; however, I just may sneak in the occasional semi-colon as well.

I finished up my finals today, in case you were wondering. Well, aside from the one I have tomorrow that does not even have a test, anyway. So I guess that means I will be halfway through my Sophomore year in just a few days. It does go fast, young people; all those old people aren't lying when they say that. Take note of this, but more importantly, take heart. Take heart in the fact that the faster it goes, the more numb to it you get and the less you will care. By age 19, you will be so old you will probably just be sitting around waiting for death, knowing your best days are behind you. "C'est la vie," I always c'est. (See what I did there?) That's French (blegh) for "Life sucks; oh well," in case you uneducated (very dear) readers did not know.

So, philosophy, huh? That's some heavy stuff. I'm no good at it, but I am good at sexism. You know who's good at both? Philosoraptor, that's who.

Haha, women. Can't live with them... they will not go out with me. (That was for you Brandon, in case you didn't know.) 

So, is intellect desirable? Sure. 
What is intellect? Being smart. 
What is desirable? Money. 
Is being smart money? Yes, technically yes. 

That made no sense. What am I doing with my life?

Monday, December 6, 2010

It's a New Dawn, It's a New Day, and a New Life for Me

And I'm feeling good.

Well, I mean, kinda good I suppose. It's a Michael Bublé song. I mostly put that because I made a new background for my blog. Perhaps you've seen it. I thought it was appropriate for winter, and as you can see, it is appropriate. In the future, if I change it again, which I almost probably will, this blog will seem silly and not make sense if read then. I want you all to know that I realized this going in. So don't worry.

Well, I have already completed three of my four finals, and it's only Monday. It's the final countdown. (OK, just for honesty's sake, I have five finals, but the fifth one doesn't really count because there is no test; I just have to show up.) Now all I have to do is a reflective paper for Honors Seminar and finish my 20 page Military History paper. After that, all I have to worry about is how happy I can be for Christmas. I'm thinking I can get pretty happy, but we'll see.

What else? Well, I would like to apologize for the lack of substance in my blogs... I mostly just figured I would try to get back in the game, and it hasn't been my best display. I guess I'm too old for this stuff, Riggs. My mind has been off somewhere else and I can't find it, which is just absolutely terrible because people usually need those for finals and extensive paper-writing. Ima try and do those things without it, but I'm afraid the results will be disastrous.
(I had to edit this)
As you can see, the things I say make very little sense, teetering on the edge of making no sense at all. Oh, hey guess what. As I have said, Valorie comes home on the 20th, but Jacob is leaving for Wales in early January! I know! On an unselfish level, I am very happy for him and incredibly proud; however, on a selfish level, the only level I recognize on a daily basis, I am angry because I have to go to a bunch of my classes alone next semester and am going to lose yet another roommate. But, what can ya do?

I love Murtaugh. Well, not so much love as agree. He WAS too old for that stuff, and shoulda just stayed the heck outa Riggs' way. Although, too be fair, it took both of them to take care of ol' Jet Li... I am conflicted. This is my face right now:
My face is the one on the right; the epitome of conflicted
This is from a comic by the ever-hilarious Kate Beaton, by the way. Very funny, very funny.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Life Goes On

You know how the '70s were full of westerns? Are zombie movies the westerns of our time?

I sure do love westerns, I tell you. Also, True Grit? I don't exactly know what to think... Can't NOBODY take a character John Wayne played and play it. NOBODY. Well, maybe "can't" isn't the right word. They shouldn't, how about that? Anyway, I absolutely hate that it actually looks pretty good and is directed by very good directors (the Coen bros.). The original is absolutely awesome, let me tell you. John Wayne is awesome. Rooster Cogburn is awesome. It is very good. Watch it.

I went to a sweater party today... That was fun. There are pics up on Facebook, or "The Facebook," as the kids say. (No they don't; I'm just kidding.) (But there are pics; that much is true. Pictures of me, what's more.) You know what? I believe I shall put one on here for good measure.

This is me trying to be in a picture with Dr. Ford, but he wasn't looking. I knew that as the picture was being taken, but I made the most of it. (That's Austin on the left of the picture.)

In other news, I have finals this week. I'm not looking forward to those exactly, but I'm not looking forward to finishing my 20-page paper even more-so. It's about Washington, Rochambeau, de Grasse, Cornwallis, and Clinton and the siege of Yorktown. Or something like that... Military History: Do I like it? I guess...

Also, it has been a while since my last post. Sorry. I know that my blogs were an integral part of many of youse guyses' lives; it has been very difficult for you to live without them, I bet.

In response to my saying "youse guyses," why doesn't English have a better way to say plural "you?" Well, there are better ways I suppose, but none that I really like. Just plain old "you" can be plural, but that's stupid.

Um, let's see... What else? Ah, Valorie is supposed to come home on the 20th. That's big... Any other news? Not much that comes to mind... But not much comes to my mind anymore, to tell you the truth.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Legendary Tuesdays

Today was a very fine day. I believe it has been one of the best days I have had in a while; I felt probably the best and most normal that I have in a long time. It wasn't all that noticeable until later in the day when I realized that I actually felt pretty good. One of the only complaints I have about today was having to pay that (insert expletive) ticket. Grr. Not that I'm bitter or anything....

When I got up today, I felt pretty tired for a while, but then I stopped being tired and started being awesome instead. True story. I had a good time in Honors Seminar today, largely due to our topic of discussion, Jekyll. It's a BBC miniseries and is a lot of fun. Honors Seminar followed with a pleasant lunch with pleasant friends. Then I had to pay my (insert expletive) ticket. Grr. But that still managed to be a relatively fun outing because my great friend Caleb came with me.

After all that, not a lot happened until the evening when I went over to Cassandra's and Kelsey's to hang out and watch Glee. It was great fun and a good time was had by all. When I came back to my dorm, JP and his then-girlfriend Brooke were making supper. I helped too, sort of, by unloading the dishwasher and staying out of the way. Brandon came over too and looked ABSOLUTELY stunning.

Brandon, you were finally legendary
enough to be pictured in my blog 
We had bacon, eggs, hash browns, and biscuits for supper and it was mm-mmm good. Many thanks to John Paul and Brooke. And Brandon too for looking great and cooking the eggs. We also watched How I Met Your Mother while we ate, which is my favorite show.

After all of these festivities, I hung out with my good buddy Andrew (the one with the mustache) and had a nice time. Then I went to Wal-Mart with my buddy Chad to get food for our breakfast tomorrow. We like to have breakfast together sometimes because we are the coolest people on planet Earth, let alone the coolest people in Claremore.

And who should we run into on our way to Wal-Mart but Caleb and Mo Mo? They were walking back to campus from QT so we pulled over and invited them to join us in our adventure. They decided to come and we had fun. By the way, do you want to want to know what the creepiest things in the whole wide world are? Sponge-Bob face masks! Holy crap those are creepy! They're just a regular mask but they have Sponge Bob's face painted on them, and they are way way way creepy. Ask Chad or Caleb.

Anyway, I believe I shall now bid you all goodbye. I shall now read some of my Oklahoma book for tomorrow and go to bed. I am very tired.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

While Everybody Else Is Getting Out of Bed

I'm usually getting in it.

Anyway, I decided I was going to write a blog tonight, and write a blog tonight I shall. And am. Writing. A blog, that is. Or at the very least, a very poor excuse/cop out for a blog. Blog. Bloggity blog blog. Blog.

Represent, sir.
I wonder what it is that makes people do the things they do. Is it one thing or is it different for everybody? I guess that for some, it's God, and for some it's the devil. Maybe? Maybe it's just our own choice that God gave us influenced by either one or both. Do we think of original ideas or is it God, the devil, or Leonardo DiCaprio incepting them into our heads? I sure don't know what it is that makes me stay up uber late when I'm way tired. It's probably not God making me do it, if I may be so bold to suggest I understand God or what He does. The Bible does say that God gives rest to those He loves... We probably have to accept it though, much like salvation. Speaking of salvation, my bed looks very nice...

Writing a blog. Why do I have the audacity to presume that I have anything going on in my head worth writing down? Perhaps it's my pluckiness and moxie that makes me believe I'm worth remembering or believe that my thoughts are worth remembering. Who knows? Odelay-bay. Today was Musical Monday, btw. We watched The Hunchback of Notre Dame. It's perdy good and I like it. Tomorrow, I need to go pay my (insert expletive) ticket that I got the other day. $152. Grrr. We all have our crosses to bear, I suppose. Mine is called getting caught.

I suppose I have more or less accomplished my goal of writing a blog. More will follow this one probably. Well, as the kids say, "See ya later."

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hey Look at Me! I Wrote Another Blog!

Last Tuesday I received a most pleasant surprise; my friends Kelsey and Cassandra invited me over to watch a movie and make me supper. That was incredibly nice of them and was a real treat. It wasn't any "weird vegetarian food," and, although it didn't contain any meat, was very delicious. I learned what "brie" was, (and I saw it on the menu of some British place a couple days later and knew what it was thanks to Cassie) and we watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Also Chance and Michael were there too.

As much fun as it was, it did make me miss ol' Valorie, who, as you may remember, is in Wales. The first time I ever saw TRHPS was with her. If ever I missed her, it has been every day she's been gone, every time I see anything Disney, every time I watch Glee, every time I see a sno-cone stand, every moment I'm awake, every time I think of Europe (so like twice, maybe), and most definitely then.

Anyway, Fall Break was a lot of fun. I mostly hung out with my brother and our friend Jon, whose birthday was on Tuesday. We ate at a pretty cool British pub where I had a "Taste of the Midlands Pie" and went to see the movie RED. It was a really good movie and was awesome. Everybody that appreciates good movies for their humor, their action, their romance, or their Bruce Willis should go see this.

Anyways, I guess you are all pretty much caught up on the gist of what I've been up to lately...I suppose I will leave it at that for now.

And... Party on Dudes.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Good Times; Nothin' But

Well, it has been exactly too long since my last post, and for that, I would like to apologize. I will try to do better from now on, I square. I told Brandon t'other day that I would start blogging again once we went on another recycling escapade, but we haven't gone yet. Hopefully we will go be legendary Planeteers tomorrow night. To tell you the truth, you, dear readers (aside from Brandon himself) have seen as much of Brandon in these blogs as I have seen him in real life all year. (Hyperbole)

Anyway, in case you were wondering, I haven't been up to much these last few weeks. Just been out be-boppin' around; not knowin' which way's up. I figure I'll figure it out eventually, or at least figure out what to do to make it through. Oh, and did I tell you that Uncle Victor and I started a revolutionary band? Cogni-Pillar is it's name. You would like it.

Today is Musical Monday again, or as my friend Kelsey would call it, Miserable Monday; but not so miserable for us today because we have no night class this particular night; woot. Guess what Brooke and I are watching tonight. Yup, RENT! I think we can only watch so many other musicals before we have to clear our musical pallets by watching it again. So far we have watched Rent, Moulin Rouge, Rent, Across the Universe, Moonlight Serenade, Thumbelina, Les Miserables (which turned out to be musical-less, but incredibly kick-awesome anyway), Pocahontas, Anastasia, and again tonight, Rent. I don't think I have forgotten any, but I may have.

Well, that's about all I can say, except that I hope I have the gumption and chutzpah to keep on blogging, because it isn't even remotely at all hard and it shows that I have absolutely no motivation (or brain function) if I can't even do that. Anyway, I think Ron Burgundy said it best, so i will let him:

Friday, September 24, 2010

There's a Good Time Comin' and I'm Gonna Bring It

It has been a very long time since my last post, and I am sorry, dear three or four readers. As my good buddy Andrew Jolly said, I had a lot of homework, all of which I have since completed. Boo-yah! Andrew, thank you for your services; I give both of your posts an A+

Sometimes life is a real stooge. I don't like certain things about it, such as the fact that it is not perfect and neither are the people who participate in it. It's really painful to see someone you love struggling with a problem, such as a disease or their own personal demons and there's not a thing in the world you can do to help them through it except just continue to care about them and pray for them, which in and of itself can feel like you're doing nothing. I struggle with things myself sometimes, but honestly I usually don't like it when people feel bad for me or try to help me because I like to handle problems on my own. Sometimes, however, just talking to someone makes me feel better.

Also, it's interesting to think about how God must feel about things like that. He cares about the things and people we care about so much more than we can care ourselves, I can't imagine the hurt that He feels when someone is afflicted. I sometimes get the feeling like I start to care about people more than they care about me and that's not a nice feeling, but I wonder just how often people are that way to God. He never stops caring and he never gives up on people, even though we neglect Him all the time.

This last week (or however long it's been since my last post) has been rough, but also fun and it's been such a relief to say "So long, ya' stupid week." I haven't gone to bed before 3:00 at all this week except for yesterday, I think. It's my fault anyway, so don't take that last statement as a complaint. Anyway, as I said, life is sometimes a real stooge.

Tonight was a pretty good night though; at least as good as it could have been, I suppose. I had fun when my Big O Daddy friend Brandon decided that we should go recycling. He is a good little Planeteer, that Brandon, and Captain Planet would be proud of him. As of late, Brandon and I have been trying out a new way to recycle. There's a little machine in front of Reasor's that will give you points for recycling that you can redeem online to get a little coupon or something. It's actually largely a waste of time, but as far as recycling goes, I suppose it's slightly less a waste of time than usual. Turns out, when we (Brandon, Brooke, and I that is) went on our recycling run,  it decided to rain on us and the machine decided not to work, so we stood out in the rain for several minutes getting soaked for no reason. As Brandon pointed out, how ironic is it that Mother Nature herself was what was hindering us from trying to preserve her? See if I ever try to help her out again...

Anyway, I tried to make this post as relevant to what was going in my head as I could, so that will explain why it was all over the place and didn't seem to follow any real train of thought. Anyway, as you can see by the fact that I am now blogging again, all I have to say is "Daddy's home."

Plus here's a treat for you all to hopefully brighten your day:

P.S. I hope you are all prepared to wail.

Monday, September 20, 2010

What? Again? Someone's slacking..

... And his name is Thomas Hurt. Not impressed, dear sir.

So congratulations everyone, you get to read another blog by your dear friend, Andrew Jolly. I have a variety of topics to discuss today, some of them being fatties, hard work, and serenading.

I had a lovely day today of going to class, doing homework in class, and taking a test. I had some lunch and did some more homework at my dorm, because I am studious and responsible. I also took a nap for a while and complained to my girlfriend that I felt sickly, but she was legit sick so I kinda felt bad because I felt better after I got to work. Speaking of work, I work at a smoothie making franchise. I am not going to name the specific franchise because I do not want to have them associated with a few of the claims I am going to be making in this blog post. For those colleagues of mine who are familiar with my place of employment, please do not be a total patoote and say where I work. I am legit, too legit to quit about this one.

Don't stop til you get enough, c'mon!

So I worked for four to like, ten tonight. It sucked, I'm not going to lie. But it is work. That's what makes it work. I complain about work a lot, but I still do my job to the best of my abilities. You know what really peels my potatoes and grinds my gears? People who complain about their job and suck at it. You know who you are. You're the person who doesn't want to mop up that last spill you missed the first time. You're that person who chooses to not sweep out from under the nooks and cranies. You're the person who doesn't study his/her part and screws an entire presenting group over (school is a job, shutup). You suck if you're that person and you better get your act together right away. There's a generation rising up... and sitting back down when they get too tired. People are soft. People are lazy. People don't understand what it means to actually work and it makes me livid.

If this is you, eat a bullet.
But really! What's the deal here? I propose a challenge to everyone and the challenge is this: Do hard things. Do your homework when you don't want to, go the extra mile at your job, do things you don't necessarily want to do but need to do. It'll make a difference and it will set you apart from everyone else. I'm not perfect, but striving to be perfect shows something about a person. So what if your homework is hard and you don't wanna read the book you're been assigned. Do you think Abe Lincoln wanted to be president? Probably. But he did a lot of really hard stuff before that so use him as a role model if you have to. Just get off your butt and do it and quit complainin g about how much it sucks.

Now, the reason I bring this up is because today, a co-worker of mine did not do part of their job before leaving their shift. This job was simply re-filling baskets with frozen fruit. I texted them, not trying to be rude, and asked them to make sure they did it next time. Their response was basically "I do it every other time, it's not a big deal, whatever." Yeah, it wasn't a big deal... until I had to make 94 drinks to sell outside of my store. No big deal that I ran out of fruit in the middle of making all my drinks and had to take the time to re-stock it all, adding to my time at work and away from homework and laundry. Luckily, I had to co-workers who came in out of no-where and started helping me close the store down. I'm not really mad at the first co-worker, I just wanted to use them as an example. It takes ten minutes maybe to stock that fruit. Just do it. But it's no big deal, I'm just trying to say... do things you don't wanna do, come on.

Another thing that I want to bring up is fatties coming into my store. Being a fruit smoothie place, we try to be healthy and stuff, but that doesn't mean we serve ONLY healthy things. It kills me seeing people come in who are overweight and get the smoothies that don't even have fruit in them. That's what makes them healthy! Those other ones don't even taste good! They taste like feet!

"Hey broski, that fella said his smoothies taste like us!"
"Gross. I hope no fat people try to eat me."
But really. I'm all for seeing us getting a healthier America. I'm all for people trying to lose weight. I'm also all for people who are comfortable with themselves. If you love being fat, more power to you. But if you're fat, complain about being fat, and continue to pursue fatty mcfatfat habits? You'll stay fat and I will not pity you (I might even mock you, sorry). We offer delicious smoothies that aren't saturated in sugars and gross stuff for you. Try one of those if you're trying to lose some weight, but don't add to your stigma if you're concerned about losing weight. Everything in moderation, right? (This includes body fat. Moderation.)

So the reason Tommy isn't writing a blog is because he's being responsible once again and doing his homework. I'm proud of him, so proud in fact, that I went off and sang him a song while he was reading. Perhaps he will discuss it in his next blog. I'd like that very much if he did, but that's up to him to decide to do... ahem. Anyway. So! Everyone, if you have Tommy's number when you read this, send that fella a text and tell him good job on studying and stuff and not blogging! He's doing a good job and I am very proud of him as a human being. He's a hardworker, not fat, and he's got good sideburns.

Exibit A.
Alright, folks. I believe that's enough for today. I need to sleep and possibly try and call my girlfriend. Did I mention I get to see her next weekend? No? Well I do. And I am quite excited.

This is my excited face and thumb.
Alright, I'm going to bed. Goodnight.

Disclaimer: Again, I want to repeat that I do NOT have an issue with fat people. Some people were raised by their parents with crappy diets, some people have eating disorders, etc. Some people are just big people. My problem is with lazy people. Laziness is a disease. Let's all do our best not to spread it.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

And a Jolly good time was had by all...

You never know what you have until it's gone, they say. Well, now you all will be allowed to realize what you no longer have a small interim period. I will be taking over Tommy's blogging duties for the day as he is, as he put it, "swamped with homework." I think that's just Tommy's way of saying he's too lazy to do another blog, but who am I to criticize the man? It's not like he criticized my mustache or anything...
Yeah, homework, Tommy. That's not how you read a book, you dummy. Nice sideburns, though.    
Anyway. My name's Andrew and I'll be blogging for Tommy today. Generally I go by either Andrew or Jolly, so whatever alias you choose to read this blog as is your own choice. Now, I cannot make any promises that I can blog as well as Tommy. He's been blogging for a good few more weeks than I, but I'll do my best to make this as entertaining, humorous, and thought-provoking as our dear Thomas!

Today has been an interesting day for me. I started it off by having a dream around 3:12 AM (as far as I know) about committing manslaughter. I was not happy I did this, in fact, in my dream, I did my best to hide the heck out of what I had done. The only person I told was my girlfriend and I swore her to secrecy. It was an accident, I swear. That kid jumped out in front of the giant SUV I was driving. And his brother was trying to shoot me, I had to run him over. I dreamed I was shopping in a grocery store and the mother of the two dudes I manslaughtered came up and asked if I did it. I told her no, of course. What, does she think I'm stupid or something? She then accused me of lying because she saw my nostrils flaring. As far as I know, your nostrils really do flare when you lie and your eyes dialate. So if you ever suspect someone of lying to you, just take a gander at their nose or eyes and see if anything funky is going on there. Anyway, so my girlfriend broke our secrecy oath, told her mom, and her mom had me put in jail. Cool dream, right? If you said yes, you're a jerk and don't understand how fearful I am of ending up in prison.

I woke up thanks to my girlfriend being my super cool alarm clock and went to class, where I promptly fell back asleep again. It's just maths, who needs maths, right? It's totally for the birds. Then I went to my next class and talked about some French dude for a while (Blegh, french). After that, I had a wonderful lunch with all my friends. My chicken alfredo pizza was done to perfection and Tommy was even there, just not doing homework like he is right now.

Now that's the proper way to read a book, sir.

Anyway, so I have to go to a banquet thing now, so I actually have to cut this kinda short. Maybe Tommy will come back later and make another blog, who knows, folks. Expect me to be a reoccuring item, though, because Tommy usually has a lot of homework, and I usually have a lot as well. The difference is that I am no where near as responsible as Tommy and find that homework is, like maths, for the birds. And so is manslaughter dreams. And oath-breaking dream girlfriends. And banquets that keep me from making a proper blogging.

Anyway. Adios, pecos.

"Alright, Tommy. How do I post this stupid thing?"


"Just press "Publish Post", dude. It's orange. You can't miss it, dummy."

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Heaven Is Up There

This picture, which I assume is supposed to be Jesus and Nicodemus, is not completely historically correct to my knowledge.

Anyway, did you guys ever think about all the cool people in heaven and hope that you get to meet them when you're there? Or did you ever think about all the people in hell that were cool, but you hope you don't end up having to go meet them? I have.

In Heaven, you will meet:
-Noah, Moses, David, Solomon, the apostles, and just about every Bible character you would ever want to meet, including Jesus.

-Billy Mays. A true American who lived his life in a way that inspired us to be as clean as we could be at the most reasonable prices around. He also had a GREAT beard.

-Fess Parker. Many of you may not know who this iconic American is, but I certainly do. He is one of my heroes, and if you could not tell by the picture, he is most famous for his portrayal of Daniel Boone on the popular TV show. He is also famous for the Davy Crockett movies. He's in heaven I assume.

-Johnny Cash. I don't even have a remote idea where to begin or stop talking about Johnny Cash, my absolute greatest hero. This man; this legend, was not only the greatest musician of all time, he is also the coolest person in history. He is in heaven. I hope to meet him.

-Audrey Hepburn. It only makes sense that she is in heaven because that is where she came from. Not only was she one of the prettiest women of all time, she was also one of the classiest. She was classy all throughout her life, even towards the end working for Unicef. A beautiful woman. Beautiful. Inside and out. Sometimes God is nice and lets us borrow angels for a while, I suppose.

-The Founding Fathers. Most of them anyway. A lot of the cool ones. George Washington is definitely up there. 

In Hell, you will meet:
-Ishmael, Goliath, Baal worshippers, Judas Iscariot, and many, many more! All of your most hated Bible villains will be there just waiting in antagonizing anticipation for you.

-This guy. Vince, the Shamwow! guy. He isn't dead, but he's there, just to make Hell worse. Billy Mays knew what advertisement and quality products were about. If you go to Heaven, look around; I bet it's the cleanest place you've ever been. I'm talkin' like Colorado clean. You can thank Billy Mays. 

-The Aztecs. They were pretty cool for the most part, but they sacrificed people too much. They also didn't believe in Jesus, so there wasn't a whole lot they could do for themselves.

-Adolf Hitler. This guy ain't in heaven.

-Uncle Scar. Ok, this fool killed his brother, tried multiple times to kill his nephew, usurped the throne on Pride Rock, almost caused everyone to starve to death, and was a liar. He was such a jerk. He's burning for it.

-Almost all the cool people from ancient history. The Mongols, the Chinese, the Greeks, Atlantians, Egyptians, Native Americans, Persians, the Norse, and a lot more.

Anyway, there are a lot more people in both places, and one day I'm gonna be in one. I prefer heaven. One day, when I'm in heaven (if there are days there?) I'm gonna shake Ronald Reagan's hand.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Musical Mondays!!!

Today is Musical Monday. Tonight we are watching Across the Universe, a movie which I have seen once a long time ago, and Brooke has not seen it at all. I did not even remotely understand it when I watched it, so hopefully I will understand it as much as is possible this time.

---I started this blog before we watched the movie, and am now finishing it after we watched it. I did in fact understand it this time, but I gotta say, I am not a big fan. I liked most of the songs, however, and seeing Joe Cocker was nice. My favorite scene was the Let it Be scene. It was actually pretty moving for a movie. 

After the wonderful experience of watching Across the Universe (slight sarcasm), we decided that we still hadn't had enough, so we watched another musical, Moonlight Serenade. The only reason I wanted to watch this one was because Amy Adams is in it. She did well and her voice is incredible, but that was one of the cheesiest and most poorly done movies I have ever seen. All of the songs were old bluesy-jazz songs, like Ella Fitzgerald and Nat King Cole style, which was cool, and as I have said, her voice is incredible, so it wasn't too terrible to sit through. But seriously, this movie, for all intents and purposes, is terrible.

There have been better Musical Mondays.

Not much else is going on, actually, and I have very little to write about. Tomorrow, a couple of us in honors are leading group discussion in Sophomore Honors Seminar over the book The Stranger by Albert Camus. It's French. Bleh. Oh, well. We'll see how it goes, I guess.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Justice; It Feels So Good

Karate Kid. The new one, which I just watched, is incredible.

If there are any Catholic priests reading this, forgive me Father for I have sinned. The nature of my sin is not having seen a classic. I have not... choking up a little bit... seen the original Karate Kid with Pat Marita, God rest his peaceful soul. Mr. Miyagi, you were an inspiration to generations of countless freedom-loving people who weren't really good at much but had a lot of heart. You are dearly missed.

Jackie Chan, Mr. Hon in this movie, is the supremely wise Kung-Fu sensei that teaches the somewhat now ill-fittingly named "karate kid" how to be a man. And a thoroughly hard core fighting man at that. This, my friends, is what America is all about. Going to China and beating them at their own game. Actually, just going to any country and knocking people around will be American enough; it doesn't have to be China.


Anybody without a heart (Dad) need not see this movie. However, if you have a heart (me), and you get inspirited seeing justice being done upon the unjust, you will love this movie. Granted, I have not seen the original (sorry); had I seen it, it may have altered my views going in and I may have been comparing it to the original the whole way through. Unencumbered by this weight, I was able to see this movie in the light in which it is supposed to be viewed, which, I suppose, is one good way to look at my uncultured, uneducated ignorance.

But, as I have said, whipping up on countries is America's speciality. Remember Rocky IV? Anyway, I want to apologize if I offended anyone with my picture above, which clearly promotes the use of American history. I may have been slightly insensitive.

Also, today is September 11. Pray for our country, and pray for our soldiers. Don't forget what happened.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Old Pie in the Windowsill Trick...

Not a lot to write about... I went to Chili's tonight with my big o' daddies Mully, Jacob, Bryce, Chad, Uncle Victor (A.K.A. Jafar), John Paul, and Brooke. Also, my friend Chelsea was our waitress, and just a splendid one at that. After that, we all went to Wal-Mart. Uncle Victor got some Gatorades, and Brooke got two more musicals for us to hopefully enjoy, Across the Universe and Cry-Baby.

When we got back to the apartments, a bunch of us, Bryce, JP, Brooke, Mully, Jacob, Chad, Brandon, Rachel, Wilson, Emily, Uncle Victor, and myself, watched a ridiculously awesome movie called Black Dynamite. It was very great, albeit slightly racist. Bryce loved it. It also had a small bit of language and adult themed material. (Mully loved it too.) A lot of fun was had and friendship-bonding was accomplished. 

"Your knowledge of scientific biological transmogrification is only outmatched by your zest for kung-fu treachery!"

So, You Know Who Looks Like Bruce Willis? Everybody.

Last night, Bob and I were sitting around talking, and we came to the conclusion that there are quite a few people who resemble our dearly beloved action hero Bruce Willis. Bruce Willis, as you may recall, was a big deal in the 1980s and '90s and known for such great movies as the Die Hards, The Sixth Sense, Armageddon, and the Bruno: the Kid TV series. Here are some side-by-side comparisons of him and people that could have been used as stand-ins.

Bruce Willis and Jamie Lee Curtis

Bruce Willis and Jason Statham

Bruce Willis and Billy Joel

Bruce Willis and Smeagol

The only real problem I see with these is that Smeagol has more hair. 

Bob and I just started trying to think of people that Bruce Willis resembles last night and this is what we came up with. Don't ask me why we started trying in the first place because I honestly can't remember. Also, how weird is this?

One more thing, and then I'll be through. Andrew, you and I had a deep conversation following the posting of the blog concerning your facial hair. I want you to know, that while I will never print a formal apology ever, and will never change my stance on the matter, I will admit that it was a bit unfair to compare anybody's mustache to Tom Selleck's. I will apologize for that. 

I am sorry, Andrew. 
But I hope comparing Bruce Willis to Jamie Lee Curtis makes it up to you.

Salaam Alaykum, Sir

I suppose you've all heard about Rev. Terry Jones' great plan to burn Korans on 9-11, but I'm not sure that many people think that that is the best idea that they have ever heard. Rev. Jones' stance is that Americans need to stand up to terrorists and not bow down to them, but his way of going about it is slightly unorthodox, even for a Pentecostal from Florida. He says that Islam is of the devil and must be defeated and completely removed from America.
Ok, couple of things; if he is on a crusade for America, we stand for religious tolerance (not tolerance for terrorists, granted) and the burning of holy books of another religion on one of their holy months, Ramadan, is not exactly tolerant to say the least. If he is on a crusade for God, I think he needs to read the Bible, his holy book, and maybe just think "What would Jesus do?" Well, I'll tell you what Jesus would do. Or, actually I guess, Matthew will. 
Matthew 5: 44-45 "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you, that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust."

I think I actually might somewhat understand his misconstrued thinking, which is that terrorists are bad and they are Islamic, therefore he should destroy the ideals for which they stand, ideals which are contained within the Koran. That on its own makes a little bitty bit of sense. A little bitty bit. However, he is only furthering hatred and agitating the differences in people's belief in God. Furthering hatred and causing agitation aren't usually the best ways to show God's love and help others to understand the true meaning of faith in Him. I don't know. Sometimes I think about things...

Anyway, tonight was a good night. I had a feeling it would be. I went to the first Bible study I have been to in a long time, and it was perty good. Beau Berman, the associate pastor at Redeemer (where I go to church), was leading it and it was at his house. We studied passages in Galations and I learned some good things. I thought about writing all about it, but I already had a little blurb about God and stuff, so I figured I would leave you guys alone. (And by "you guys," I mean the three or four of you who will read this.) At any rate, Bible study was good, and I plan on going back.

Well, this was a fairly God-centered post. I mentioned some of the feelings I had towards the Koran burnings, and also mentioned Bible study. I am sorry if I bored you, my dear three or four readers. I will do better tomorrow, I square. 

By the way, I am not completely sure if ol' Reverend Terry Jones is Pentecostal, but I think he leans that way or something. I'm actually not really worried about it, to tell you the truth. Anyway, Peace Be with You, Sir.