Thursday, January 27, 2011

How to Make a Most-Excellent Movie

Ok, his is actually a paper I typed in class for Comp 1 while I was in high school. I guess that would have been over two years ago... Crazy. So anyway, I wanted to write a blog tonight, and that just isn't gonna happen, so let me offer this Comp 1 composition as a Blog 1 cop-out. Also, the title of this blog was the title of the paper. Just so you know. I was largely influenced by Bill and Ted back then. What can I say?

Ready? Ok!

Step 1: Find a hot girl for the lead actress, such as Eva Green, or any bond girl for that matter. They are generally some of the hottest women on earth, and would make a great choice. This is by far the most crucial and necessary step.
Step2: Get John Wayne or Russell Crowe to be the leading actor. They are both awesome and would each make a most excellent choice depending on your type of movie. John Wayne is the best for western movies, whereas Russell Crowe, bless his heart, does not fair so well. The movie 3:10 to Yuma lowered my opinion of both him and Christian Bale. Any other type of action movie, however, would be very well off with Russell Crowe.
Step 3: Do not be frugal! If you want to make a movie that truly kicks hard, don’t be afraid to spend a little money. The more you spend in special effects and awesome props and stunts, the more money your movie will make. This is a crucial step in the Most-Excellent-Movie-Making industry.
Step 4: If you want your movie to be legendary, always don’t let Tom Cruise be in it. He is crazy and a sissy. Real men generally do not respect him. They may enjoy your movie when it comes out, but it will be remembered as no more than a Tom Cruise movie, which would definitely NOT be legendary.
Step 5: If you plan on making a sequel, be sure to hire the same people that were in the original. Another problem with most sequels that you need to be sure you avoid is not to neglect step 3. Many movie makers believe that as long as the first one was great, people will like the second one. That is false. The second one, if done correctly, should add to the legend of the original.
Step 6: Your plot should be fairly consistent with awesomeness. Steps 1 through 4 should be enough to carry your movie even if the plot is weak, but the desired effect that you should be striving for is legendary. Only movies with great plots are legendary. I would suggest that you hire writers that have already written great movies. Again, be sure to follow step 3.
Step 7: The best way to achieve a big audience is also choose a wise time to release the film. Summer is a good time because summer films are good, and it is also a great time to advertise because people like going out and doing fun things, such as watching legendary movies.
Step 8: This is the final step. Advertise. Without adequate advertisement (at least three months before your movie comes out), people will not anticipate your movie, ergo it will not seem like a very big deal. Therefore, it is absolutely imperative that people anticipate your movie.
  -Following these steps exactly will ensure a most excellent movie. (step 8 is for legendary-ness; not most excellent-ness, by the way.)

---Well, there you have it. Can you believe I didn't get an A in the class? Me neither. Also, of the last two blogs, Tom Cruise has been mentioned in two. I'm not sure that's ok... Oh well. Also again, Brandon, sorry I said anything even slightly negative about Christian Bale. But, to be fair, The Dark Knight was not out yet.

And why is "Plot" Step 6? Obviously, I got Step 1 right (assuming of course that I meant from the last few Bond movies), but maybe plot should have been a little higher than 6 on a list of 8 steps about movie-making. I mean, at the very least, it should probably be considered a higher priority than the sequel (Step 5), but what do I know?


  1. Haha, I remember this. I don't think you have changed too awful much, sir. Plus also, I think it's still a good paper and Ms. Fouch (That's who you had right?) didn't properly grade your work. :)

  2. Its okay buddy, I forgive you for making Christian Bale appear to be anything less than the truly legendary actor that he is. Actually the only reason that I forgive you is because in the same paper you complimented Eva Green so that balances the scales of Good and Evil in my book, the Book of Brandon Justice that is of course. I also took into account that you were young when you wrote this and probably had not grown a beard of wisdom yet to guide you along the path of life. But I thoroughly enjoyed this paper and I think you should have received a good grade, it was a very enjoyable read. I particularly liked your comment about sequels, very true!

  3. haha aww thanks tor :) and it was my osu classes. i had asmussen. you don't know her.

    brandon, i am glad that we're still friends and that you still read my blog. also, your comments are a lot easier to comment back on than samantha's... and OF COURSE i mentioned Eva Green! what you think; i'm stupid or something? or blind? she is awesome and in my top five, i think. i would also like to read your book, and i would be very pleased to find out that i come out on the good side of things rather than the evil side. plus also, i wish you were my comp teacher; that would have been awesome.

  4. Tommy, I am also glad that we are still friends, and speaking of being best friends for life, we should both become English teachers, and write books about awesome things like how to survive velociraptor attacks, and why Eva Green and Daniel Craig should be in every movie together!

  5. yes! we should! but i doubt it will ever happen...

  6. well, i am just now getting caught up on your blog. i can't believe it has been so long! i am a bad sister, blog-following-wise. however, i am better about commenting on yours than on updating my own...but i digress.

    to actually comment on your post, i like mission impossible! does no one else? i do admit that i have actually been scoffed at for liking that movie. but it is so good! not just a "tom cruise movie."

    also, i gotta say, your punctuation was very good but not perfect. there was even a misspelled word. and it looks like there was very little, if any, research put into your paper. just sayin'. but, as usual, entertaining. :)
