Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mini-Posts: the Blogs of Champions

It is almost 1:00, and only moments ago, my bestie Brandon stopped by and wanted me to go recycle some plastic with him. Let me make this perfectly clear: I do not believe in recycling. I believe in guns. However, my environmentally conscious roommates have had a bag by the trash where we put our empty bottles of water (which I also believe in because plastic bottles of water don't make much sense environmentally) which was full to overflowing, so I grabbed it and headed down to the recycling bin and threw them in. In doing so, we made a difference.


  1. I don't believe in recycling either!!
    But what I do believe is that if you don't recycle, Captain Planet will punch you in the face!

  2. This blog is supposedly about champions, and yet I do not see me mentioned here :)
