Also, that may be a lie; therefore disproving the fact that everything on the internet is true.
This is the first time I have written a blog in quite some time, and for that, I would like to say "you're welcome." It has been daunting to begin writing more blogs after waiting for such an extended period of time; once the blog is started up again, there is always the extreme pressure to continue to write. Another reason for the super-duper long pause is that I feel expected to write something very beautiful for my reader(s) to read as a grand re-opening of sorts. I now know the folly in that because, having read my previous posts, any one who would expect beauty or even signs of intelligence is a stupid and irrational fart of a person deserving to have his or her eyeballs mutilated and taken from his or her head by dirty corkscrews. (Except for my mother; she is exempt from any punishment deserved for expecting anything worthwhile from me. I think it would be terrible to be a mother of someone whose moderate lack of worth is perceivable even to her. Mom's usually don't believe that about their sons; not even of Bobby.)
I am undergoing a steady recuperation and regainth (I just invented that word, I believe. "If it can be said, it is a word.") of emotion, brain function, and ability to care. I missed blogging; there were days when fun ideas for blogs came into my head, but being the lazy shmo that I am, I did not write them. Maybe I shall do so in the future. I may also get around to changing the background of my blog. Pink icy scenes with trees can get old if you let them.
I now have a lovely smart girlfriend and a beard (not the same thing, for those of you who know what I am talking about) and my brother is married. And Samantha and Don, my sister and brother-in-law moved back to Oklahoma from D. C. "ASLO" (Brooke) I have a Fiero now!!!!!! :D These are just a few of the things happening in my life that I enjoy.
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Well, here is a picture of Bill Murray with a mullet and a mustache. |
Hey, babe! I'm a blogger now too! You think I'm lovely and smart?!?! ;) xoxo